Tag Archives: Massachusetts

Assisted Suicide is not the Answer

elderly by the seaSource: telegram.com

By: Pauline Morris

Now, in Massachusetts, our legislature is considering making assisted suicide a medical treatment, and I cannot help but to think about my experience with suicide.

Forty-six years ago, my husband chose suicide by shooting himself in the back of his head in our bed. We both were 31, our daughter was 8 and our three sons were 7, 4 and 2.

On that Sunday afternoon, our lives were shattered. Everything was different; I was now the widow of suicide. Our children were the children of suicide. In an instant, they lost their innocence and their childhood. My children became over-protective of me, fearing something would happen to me and they would be alone. The two oldest children endured cruel taunts by older children in school because of their father’s suicide.

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“Terminal” Can Mean Life Left to Live

JJ Hanson & family

Source: Boston Herald

By: J.J. Hanson

Proponents of assisted suicide are turning up the pressure in many states to legalize the dangerous practice. What began in a few places, has become an onslaught of bills introduced — 29 states this year alone. Fortunately most have been defeated. Now assisted-suicide proponents have their set their sights on Massachusetts.

Legalizing assisted suicide would destroy essential protections and care that patients like me depend on as we continue to fight life-threatening illnesses.

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