Category Archives: Uncategorized

Physician-Assisted Suicide is Wrong


Source: New Jersey 101.5

By: Jeff Deminski

Update: I wrote this in February of this year. Now, in August, New Jersey’s ‘right to die’ law is underway. I understand this is a sensitive issue. (Is there a more personal one?) In the months since I wrote this I have not changed my point of view, not even with the passing of my beloved father-in-law. He was diagnosed in March with stage IV lung cancer and he was gone on Memorial Day. He lost far too much weight, was delirious at times, dealt with pain. Yet I never saw a more dignified man in my life. He died with more dignity than most will ever know, and he cherished the times he was able to see his grandchildren during his decline. I respect the views of those in favor of this new law, and I respectfully disagree.

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I Want My Doctors to Help Me Live, Not Die

JJ Hanson & family

Published by the Wall Street Journal on July 6th, 2017
By J.J. Hanson

Aggressive brain cancer is trying to end my life. The best doctors in the world are racing to find a cure. Meanwhile, legislation promoting assisted suicide all over the nation would dismantle essential protections and care on which I, and so many others, depend as we fight terminal illnesses. Bills that would legalize or expand assisted suicide have been introduced in 29 states.

Three years ago, I was living the American dream. I was happily married, our son had just turned 1, and I had a job I loved. My life changed in an instant. I had a grand mal seizure at work and went to the hospital. Doctors ran tests, including a CT scan, but could not find anything wrong. As they were preparing to send me home, my wife demanded an MRI.

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Sacramento Bee: Assisted Suicide Legislation: Read the Fine Print


Source: The Sacramento Bee

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