Category Archives: Assisted Suicide

Assisted Suicide Represents No Choice at All


Source: Real Clear Policy

By: Lawrence Carter-Long

Assisted suicide laws in the United States have all passed based on the assumption that a terminally ill person has less than six months to live. But the experience of many diagnosed with terminal illnesses force us to ask: What if this assumption is wrong?

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Pseudonym for Assisted Suicide Devalues Humanity

Elderly holding hands

Source: Times Union

By: Mike Volkman

The debate over assisted suicide continues. A bill has not passed in New York yet, but it keeps getting reintroduced every session in the legislature. Its proponents everywhere keep using a catchphrase, “death with dignity,” to describe it. They even use it as a title for it.

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Right to Die Can Become Duty to Die

PillsSource: Times Union

By: Susan M. Mathews

Last month, the New York state Court of Appeals dismissed a case filed by three terminally ill plaintiffs asking the court to declare a constitutional right to “aid in dying,” better known as assisted suicide. The judges wrote, “this Legislature … has concluded that an absolute ban on assisted suicide is the most reliable, effective, and administrative means of protecting against its dangers.”

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“Terminal” Can Mean Life Left to Live

JJ Hanson & family

Source: Boston Herald

By: J.J. Hanson

Proponents of assisted suicide are turning up the pressure in many states to legalize the dangerous practice. What began in a few places, has become an onslaught of bills introduced — 29 states this year alone. Fortunately most have been defeated. Now assisted-suicide proponents have their set their sights on Massachusetts.

Legalizing assisted suicide would destroy essential protections and care that patients like me depend on as we continue to fight life-threatening illnesses.

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Momentum Shift Against Doctor-Prescribed Suicide

Not Dead Yet

Source: Washington Examiner 

By: J.J. Hanson

Momentum is finally shifting against the legalization and expansion of assisted suicide. Twenty-three states have rejected bills attempting to legalize assisted suicide since the beginning of 2017, and these bills are now considered dead for the remainder of the year.

Why such unusual bipartisan consensus? In our profit-driven healthcare system, where care is expensive and assisted suicide is cheap, patients with terminal illnesses, people with disabilities, the elderly, and the poor are in grave danger of being pushed towards a death-too-soon. Assisted suicide policy injects government bodies and insurance companies with financial incentives into every single person’s end of life decisions.

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