Monthly Archives: May 2017

No to Doctor-Assisted Suicide

Woman with arms raised celebrates her achievement and success in the sunshine even with her disabilities in a wheelchair.

Source: Sentinel & Enterprise

By Dr. Mark Rollo

Death described as desirable; that is doctor-prescribed suicide.

Nine times in recent years, the death lobby has poured out-of-state money into Massachusetts in an effort to establish law that would simultaneously place the vulnerable at risk and corrupt the practice of medicine. Nine times the residents of Massachusetts have said “No!” to these efforts.

The death lobby is otherwise known as Compassion & Choices. That name is just one of their euphemistic deceptions. They were formerly known as the Hemlock Society but changed their name when they realized that naming their organization after a poison was not good public relations. Yet poison is what they are peddling, and they want the medical profession to push it.

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Daily News: Assisted Suicide Distorts Doctors’ Duties

Stock Photo

Source: Daily News

By John Rhee

“It’s my life; why won’t you just let me die?” We had spent much time together during the weeks on my psychiatry rotation and had grown fairly close. Yet it wasn’t our bond that made her words so hard to hear. It was because she wasn’t dying; she was depressed.

Of course, at the time, none of my supervising psychiatric physicians acceded to her wish to end her life. On the contrary, they worked hard to help her see the value in her life with a combination of psychotherapy, counseling and medication.

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